Find previous Registry of Deeds searches and results

You can revisit your previous Registry of Deed searches and results, and can also obtain a Certificate of Search for those searches.

Select the Registry of Deeds services menu and use the Previous searches and results option.

By default, this screen displays the searches you have carried out within the past 30 days.

You can also use the filters to:

  • restrict the list to searches carried out within the past 7 days
  • find searches carried out within a date range you define
  • find searches by everyone within your organisation
  • find a specific search using the Search ID that is displayed on the Registry of Deeds search results screen (and also on the Search Certificate)

When you have found the search you want to revisit, you can view the results on the Registry of Deeds search results screen.  The results you see will only include those you paid for at the time of the original search.  A single fee covers 90 results.  So, if you chose to pay only the fee for the first 90 matches in a list of 150 results, you will only see the 90 results already paid for when you revisit your search or request a certificate of search.  You cannot revisit a search and pay for results you did not view when the original search took place.

The Certificate of search will tell you how many results you paid to view at the time of the search; for example, 'Showing 90 of 150 results'.