Registry of Deeds search results

This screen displays all of the results found during your search for a Registry of Deeds memorial.

Too many results

  • A maximum of 210 results can be returned.  If the results exceed this limit, you will remain on the search screen with the following advice: The search details that you entered resulted in too many matches. The system allows a maximum of 210 matches for this search. Please refine your search details and try again.

No results found

  • If a Memorial Number search does not return any results, you will remain on the search screen with the following advice: ‘Your Registry of Deeds search did not find any records.’  There will also be a link to a Certificate showing your search criteria, stating that your search returned zero results.
  •  If there are no matches at all for a party / property search, you will be taken to the Checkout screen to pay a fee, and you will be advised that the results count is 'Less than 5'.  You will then be forwarded to the Rod Search Results screen with zero results and the option to print a certificate of your Search criteria and results.

Valid results found

  • If results are found, you will be taken to the Registry of Deeds Search Results screen (via checkout) with an initial fee to cover up to 90 results.  Charges to view further sets of results are applied on the results screen.  You will also be able to view/print a Certificate of Search, which shows your search criteria and all of the results that you paid to view.

Party / Property Search

  • If less than 210 results are found, you will be taken to the Registry of Deeds Search Results screen (via checkout) with an initial fee to cover up to 90 results. 
  • The total number of records found will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  • Charges to view further sets of 90 results are applied on the results screen as you move through the list.

Results list

A grantor or grantee name may be followed by '(a)', indicating that the name has been included as an alias. Alias entries occur when an existing grantor/grantee name is added to the records using a slightly different format or spelling, for example, 'Smith and Jones Ltd' could also be recorded as 'Smith & Jones Ltd' or 'Smith and Jones Limited' etc.

For each record listed you can choose to:

  •  view a memorial abstract (an abstract contains information extracted by the Registry from the paper memorial at registration)
  •  view a scanned image of the paper memorial
  •  request a copy print of the memorial